Rotating Book Van Collection
More than 300 books from North Central Kansas Libraries are exchanged every two months.
Inter Library Loan Service
If the library doesn’t own the book or movie a patron wants, it can be borrowed from another library at no charge.
Computer Usage and Internet
Free Wi-Fi service is accessible 24/7. Patrons may use their own devices inside during library hours, or outside the library when the building is closed.
Copy or Prints
The library charges $0.50 per page for Black and White copies and $0.75 per page for Color.
Laminate $1.00 per laminate sheet.
Wire Binding $1.00 for binding (free if you supply your own wire binding)
Over 10,000 volumes including best selling fiction and non-fiction. Patrons may check out 25 books for three weeks.
Test Proctor
Students may have tests proctored at the library. Please email
Drop Box
There is a drop box in front of the library for after-hour returns.
Patrons may check out 5 DVDs for one week.
3D Printer
3D Printing Service. Create your own piece. It is inexpensive and for personal use only please.